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  • Back to basics: ‘A Few Premieres’ at Arts on Site by Kathryn Boland of Dance Informa in September of 2021:

"Next came a solo with an expressive operatic voice offering the score (not something commonly seen in contemporary dance, and it worked — brava to Perk on taking that risk!). The movement, in turn, reflected that lifted, refined elegance. Yet, it also contained moments of simply releasing bones to gravity’s pull and enjoying moments of wonderful rawness."

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  • 7 Things to Do This Weekend by The New York Times in September of 2020:

“Doron Perk and Chelsea Ainsworth, two of the collaborators of Huma, performing “Two Is You” in 2018. It will be shown as part of the first program of this year’s Dance Now festival."

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  • By Matthew McDonough from The New Paltz Oracle in September of 2019:

'“Two Is You” Stuns Denizen Theatre..."

"The dance was performed and conceived by Arts On Site Executive Director Chelsea Ainsworth, and HUMA Artistic Director Doron Perk."

"The dancing itself was incredibly fluid and emotive, reflecting that improvisatory nature and the frenetic energy of being in a relationship."

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  • By Cecly Placenti from The Dance Enthusiast in January of 2019:

"As Perk moves via rehearsal video, we feel anxious. Watching his arms just-about-touch the walls on either side of his modest flat, the rectangular room seems oppressive. But, as Perk continues to slide his weight from side to side—agile and calm—the space around him appears less of a cage. We see that he has embraced freedom within the stricture."

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  • By Edward Mylechreest from NO PROSCENIUM in December of 2018:

"The choreography by Chelsea Ainsworth, Jessica Castro, Desiree Godsell, and Doron Perk throughout Carmen is electric, with desire being conveyed in every step. The mix of improvisation, fluid partnering, and sudden moments of in-unison movement are incredible. It is easy to forget that this entire evening has been meticulously designed and rehearsed, simply because the movement feels so of the moment and natural to a salsa club in Havana."

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 " Doron Perk, wild and lanky, was a fresh, arresting presence in Zvi Gotheiner’s On the Road at BAM. "

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  •  By José Catalán Deus from Periodista Digital - GUIA CULTURAL in 2013:

 "An ideal synthesis of classical ballet, electronic music, and current experience. Point shoes, yes, but entranced by the force of contemporary dance, very difficult choreography to execute, magnificently interpreted in the duet by Rebecca Connor and Doron Perk"

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